Saturday, May 15, 2010

O))) For my birthday last year:

My pretty counterpart & I decided to drive a few hours north to see Sunn O))) on my birthday... They played @ the Firebird in St. Louis. MO. on July 8th, last year during their "Monoliths & Dimensions" Midwest tour. I am so glad we went... Not only was it my 1st chance to witness the Brothers Grimm firsthand, but I also caught the debut of Eagle Twin. They didn't even have any CD's for sale yet (but I believe you can search the archives here, for that one...)

Anyway, Sunn O))) was amazing... intimate room, filled with fog; green, red & blue lights; heart-stopping volume & Atilla. (That guy has insanely low vox!) They played for close to an hour. I tried to take pics, but fog makes good photos impossible! I brought my Sansa clip & used the voice recorder function, stuck it in my shirt pocket & was delighted with what I captured:

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