Saturday, May 29, 2010

In Disgust [2007] Reality Choke 10"

Grind/Power Violence from San Jose, CA. These guys do grind the way I want to hear it: short and to the point (15 songs in just under 12 min). Perfect music for kicking somebody in the teeth. They also hold the distinction of being the only grind band that I prefer over Nasum.

1. To Live A Lie
2. Vas A Ver
3. Reality Choke
4. Cut Your Losses
5. Slave
6. Perdido
7. I Can't Forget
8. Pity Addict
9. Thrown Out
10. Cali Smile
11. Shoulda Known
12. All Gone Away
13. What Goes Around
14. The End
15. Justified

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Death of Ronnie James Dio

July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010

We made the mountains shake 
With laughter as we played 
Hiding in our corner of the world 
Then we did the demon dance 
And rushed to nevermore 
Threw away the key and locked the door 

"Ronnie James Dio, a singer with the heavy-metal bands Rainbow, Black Sabbath and Dio, whose powerful, semioperatic vocal style and attachment to demonic imagery made him a mainstay of the genre, died on Sunday in Los Angeles. He was 67. His death was announced by his wife, Wendy, on his Web site,

No cause was given, but in recent months Mr. Dio had spoken about suffering from stomach cancer, and his band Heaven and Hell canceled its summer tour because of his health.

A heavy-metal purist, Mr. Dio was known as much for his vocal prowess as for his Mephistophelean stage persona. He sang about devils, defiance and the glory of rock ’n’ roll with a strong, mean voice that rose to a bombastic vibrato, and he is credited with popularizing the “devil horn” hand gesture — index and pinky fingers up, everything else clenched in a fist — as a symbol of metal’s occult-like worship of everything scary and heavy.

Ronald James Padavona was born in Portsmouth, N.H., and grew up in Cortland, N.Y. He took his stage name in tribute to the gangster Johnny Dio, and he began his career in rockabilly bands in the late 1950s. By the early 1970s his group Elf became a regular opening act for the British band Deep Purple, and Mr. Dio gained his first wide exposure when Ritchie Blackmore, Deep Purple’s guitarist, recruited him in 1975 to sing for his new band, Rainbow.

When Ozzy Osbourne was fired from Black Sabbath in 1979, Mr. Dio replaced him, staying until 1982. By then he had his own group, Dio. Its first album, “Holy Diver,” was released in 1983, and its cover art was typical of the band’s style, with a cartoonish painting of a red-eyed demon whipping a drowning priest with a chain. In various lineup configurations, Dio released material into the mid-2000s.

Mr. Dio briefly rejoined Black Sabbath in the early 1990s, singing on its 1992 album “Dehumanizer,” and in 2006 he began playing again with members of that band, naming the group Heaven and Hell after the title of the first Black Sabbath album on which he had appeared. Heaven and Hell toured widely and released one album, “The Devil You Know,” in 2009.

Other than his wife, who was also his manager, he is survived by his son, Daniel, his father, Pat Padavona, and two grandchildren.

Over the years Mr. Dio became a symbol of the glories and the silliness of metal, and sometimes both at the same time. In the 2006 film “Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny,” a boy whose father has forbidden him to play metal prays in his bedroom to a poster of Mr. Dio sitting on a hellish throne; Mr. Dio, holding a medieval-style goblet, comes to life and urges the boy to forge his own way.

“You will face your inner demons,” Mr. Dio sings. “Now go, my son, and rock.”
- NY Times Obituary

Dio - Holy Diver (1983)

More Metal than You

Arik Moonhawk Roper

"Arik Moonhawk Roper was born in 1973 in New York City, grew up in Richmond, Virginia, then returned to New York to attend the School of Visual Arts from 1991-1995. Since then he has built a universe of strange and familiar fantasy, horror, surreal, and psychedelic imagery. After starting out creating record and cd covers for a variety of bands, he has continued onward and into more diverse areas of poster design and graphic illustration, and animation. He is currently a contributor for Arthur magazine, and recently created a book titled Mushroom Magick for Abrams Books."

I own Mushroom Magick and I've studied this guy's watercolor work quite a bit. Truly one of a kind, and I believe he's one of the most important fantasy artists of our generation.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Not Even Japanoise! (my drone-noise project)

Severed Sun is an American noise/drone project consisting of two dudes: Honos & db (w/ a little help from L). Two guitars and a shitload of pedals. They create a familiar brand of dron-ey soundscapes ranging from light & airy to full- on distorted, phased-out sustain. Layers and layers. Pretty and chaotic.
Anyway, if you appreciate noise-heroes such as SUNN O))), Six Organs Of Admittance, LSD March, Lotus Eaters, Growing and some boris (for good measure), then don't pass this up. Here is a sample of their upcoming (undecided as to a 7" or a CD-R) release .

Previous comments/reviews:

"Man, these guys are fucking tough as hell, i've been digging this since they first put it up on the myspace page. Reminds me alot of Merzbow with guitars swirling and acid." -Anonymous.


SEVERED SUN "Kensho: (review)

"Just got a copy of the new 7" from Severed Sun titled "Kensho". So much to say, but not enough words to describe the feelings that come through when jamming this release. The first track "Soto" reminds me of what the gates of hell would sound like if opened to the masses. With a heavy drone laid down and at least 3 e-bows tangled together, it sweeps from side to side. As i listened in a day dream i hear vox pedals kick in with an onslaught of solo's reminiscent of some of Ben Chasny's finer work. The most interesting part maybe be the noise alone left behind and dumped into your brain, it doesn't just leave, it stays and leaves you to think about the tangled web left behind. Next comes "Rinzai" a real noise breather, with things I've never heard before it builds and builds with drones and wah effects to leave you reaching for the lights. My only hope is that this isn't the last we will see of this project brought to us by Honos and db. I've heard rumors of a full length two sided LP, but i guess we will have to just wait and see. "Kensho" will hold me for now, but I'm left wanting more..."


O))) For my birthday last year:

My pretty counterpart & I decided to drive a few hours north to see Sunn O))) on my birthday... They played @ the Firebird in St. Louis. MO. on July 8th, last year during their "Monoliths & Dimensions" Midwest tour. I am so glad we went... Not only was it my 1st chance to witness the Brothers Grimm firsthand, but I also caught the debut of Eagle Twin. They didn't even have any CD's for sale yet (but I believe you can search the archives here, for that one...)

Anyway, Sunn O))) was amazing... intimate room, filled with fog; green, red & blue lights; heart-stopping volume & Atilla. (That guy has insanely low vox!) They played for close to an hour. I tried to take pics, but fog makes good photos impossible! I brought my Sansa clip & used the voice recorder function, stuck it in my shirt pocket & was delighted with what I captured:

Cadaver Synod

Yes, you heard right. A corpse on trial.

The posthumous ecclesiastical trial of Pope Formosus was held in January of 897. His successor, Pope Stephen VI, was a vehement political nemesis and chose to have the former Pope's body exhumed and placed on a throne for trial. The charges against the body included attempting to usurp Pope John VIII, perjury, and exercising the office of bishop as a layman. Formosus was found guilty of all charges, receiving benedictions (invocations for divine help) over two cut off fingers, removal of papal vestments, and all of his acts and ordinances were declared invalid.

Public opinion turned on Stephen after the debacle, resulting in his deposition and arrest. He was strangled in prison in 897. As for the corpse of Formosus, it was buried, only to be dug up once again. Weighted down, the body was cast into the Tiber River. Rumor arose that the body washed up and performed miracles along the Tiber. Proving scuttlebutt untrue, the body was recovered and given proper burial by Pope Theodore II. All convictions were annulled, but reinstated by another Pope later. 

English poet Robert Browning dedicated 134 lines to the Cadaver Synod in his poem, The Ring and the Book, in the chapter called The Pope. Here, in full, are the lines devoted to the trial, and the Pope known as Formosus:

Eight hundred years exact before the year

I was made Pope, men made Formosus Pope,

Say Sigebert and other chroniclers.

Ere I confirm or quash the Trial here

Of Guido Franceschini and his friends,

Read, how there was a ghastly Trial once

Of a dead man by a live man, and both, Popes: 

Thus in the antique penman’s very phrase.

Then Stephen, Pope and seventh of the name,

Cried out, in synod as he sat in state,

While choler quivered on his brow and beard,

Come into court, Formosus, thou lost wretch,

That claimedst to be late the Pope as I!

And at the word, the great door of the church

Flew wide, and in they brought Formosus’ self,

The body of him, dead, even as embalmed

And buried duly in the Vatican 

Eight months before, exhumed thus for the nonce.

They set it, that dead body of a Pope,

Clothed in pontific vesture now again,

Upright on Peter’s chair as if alive.

And Stephen, springing up, cried furiously

Bishop of Porto, wherefore didst presume

To leave that see and take this Roman see,

Exchange the lesser for the greater see,

A thing against the canons of the Church?

Then one (a Deacon who, observing forms, 

Was placed by Stephen to repel the charge,

Be advocate and mouthpiece of the corpse)

Spoke as he dared, set stammeringly forth

With white lips and dry tongue, as but a youth,

For frightful was the corpse-face to behold,

How nowise lacked there precedent for this.

But when, for his last precedent of all,

Emboldened by the Spirit, out he blurts

And, Holy Father, didst not thou thyself

Vacate the lesser for the greater see, 

Half a year since change Arago for Rome?

Ye have the sins defence now, synod mine!

Shrieks Stephen in a beastly froth of rage:

Judge now betwixt him dead and me alive!

Hath he intruded or do I pretend?

Judge, judge breaks wavelike one whole foam of wrath.

Where upon they, being friends and followers,

Ay, thou art Christ’s Vicar, and not he!

A way with what is frightful to behold!

This act was uncanonic and a fault.

Then, swallowed up in rage, Stephen exclaimed

So, guilty! So, remains I punish guilt!

He is unpoped, and all he did I damn:

The Bishop, that ordained him, I degrade:

Depose to laics those he raised to priests:

What they have wrought is mischief nor shall stand,

It is confusion, let it vex no more!

Since I revoke, annul and abrogate

All his decrees in all kinds: they are void!

In token whereof and warning to the world, 

Strip me yon miscreant of those robes usurped,

And clothe him with vile serge befitting such!

Then hale the carrion to the market-place;

Let the town-hangman chop from his right hand

Those same three fingers which he blessed withal;

Next cut the head off, once was crowned forsooth:

And last go fling all, fingers, head and trunk,

In Tiber that my Christian fish may sup!

Either because of which means Fish

And very aptly symbolises Christ, 

Or else because the Pope is Fisherman

And seals with Fishers-signet. Anyway,

So said, so done: himself, to see it done,

Following the corpse, they trailed from street to street

Till into Tiber wave they threw the thing.

The people, crowded on the banks to see,

Were loud or mute, wept or laughed, cursed or jeered,

According as the deed addressed their sense;

A scandal verily: and out spake a Jew

Wot ye your Christ had vexed our Herod thus?

Now when, Formosus being dead a year,

His judge Pope Stephen tasted death in turn,

Made captive by the mob and strangled straight,

Romanus, his successor for a month,

Did make protest Formosus was with God,

Holy, just, true in thought and word and deed.


"A nun walks towards the crucifix, when Jesus – a bearded messianic dream-boat – steps down off the cross, throws her to the ground, tears open her habit and does the sex in her. Ten minutes later, a novice nun is stripped naked by her sisters who whip her tits before falling into a big bad Catholic orgy, wimples and all. Weirdly though, nunsploitation is based on real life.

This genre of soft-core erotica had its heyday in 70s Catholic Europe with stories of nuns getting possessed by the devil, who was endlessly attracted to lesbian sex and violent punishment games. The good thing about nunsploitation movies is that, unlike most exploitation porn, they’re mostly set in the Renaissance and pretend to be based on real life. For example, The True Story of the Nuns of Monza and the Sisters of Satan is basically a documentary. 17th Century nuns were actually getting just as rampant as these movies suggest. Between 1550 and 1790, there were around 50 recorded cases of mass demonic possession in convents throughout western Europe. Nuns were getting possessed all over the place, which standardly involves a lesbian orgy, a dance around naked, and totally messing up your chastity vow with a crucifix. Possessed nuns would have fits, speak in tongues, expose themselves and scream obscenities. During exorcisms, they would tear off their habits and writhe around screwing invisible demons and taking the name of Christ’s holy cock in vain. Here is a small selection from the ecclesiastical records:

1. During her exorcism, Sister Marie de Henin from the Cistercian convent (1613) admitted having sex with demons eight times, and that she “polluted herself with a certain lay woman of the abbey”.

2. Abbess Benedetta Carlini (1626) became scissor sisters with cellmate Bartolomea Crivelli after being possessed by a male angel named Spenditello. They believed they shared mystic visions while having sex. Both died after 35 years in prison.

3. In the mass possession at Louviers, 18-year-old Madeleine Bavent (1625) said she was bewitched by the vicar and nunnery director, who abducted her, married her to the devil and then raped her on the alter. In her interrogation, she revealed years of sex with other nuns, father confessors, and the frequent use of the Eucharist for sexual acts. Other nuns admitted they too had been had by the devil at the hands of the local vicar. When possessed, they would raise their habits and beg passers-by for sex.

4. The Peruvian nun Luisa Benites, possessed by 6,666 demons, felt a penis inside her for days.

5. Sister Juana Asensi was executed in Valencia in 1649 after describing a vision in which she had a mystic one-night stand with Jesus.

6. There was a mass demonic possession of the Ursuline nuns of Loudun in 1633, with the main symptom being vulgar dreams about the local priest Father Grandier, who was clearly to blame and promptly executed. It was made into the more disturbing than erotic Ken Russell movie The Devils (1971).

Even doctors of the time saw these outbreaks of possession as sexual frustration. The physician who treated the nuns of Loudun wrote, “These diabolic and miserable nuns find themselves locked within four walls. They fall in love, sink into melancholic hallucinations, and are driven by the desires of the flesh. And truth must be said: what they need is a carnal remedy.” Who doesn’t?

With interesting parallels to these outbreaks, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary let a group of psychologists into their convent for a 60s-era pop psychology three-year study in group self-exploration. The therapy sessions were a disaster, and by the end, half of the 600 nuns in the school had petitioned the Vatican to be released from their vows. Mostly because they all discovered they were lesbians. So, to summarise, all your stupidest Catholic fantasies are absolutely true."
Cameron King - Vice

Killer Nun (1978)

The Devils (1971)

School of the Holy Beast (1974)


Jari Mäenpää is a super-genius Finnish guy who started out playing viking/folk metal in Ensiferum before leaving in 2004 and forming Wintersun.. This band has ridiculous titles, artwork, and lyrics, and yet, remains one of the most perplexing and dynamic listening experiences that I've ever had in metal. It amalgamates all the best elements of melodic death, black, power, and thrash seamlessly and tastefully. If your definition of tasteful means Scandinavian dudes competing on how long and beautiful their hair can be.

Wintersun - Wintersun (2004)

1."Beyond the Dark Sun"
2."Winter Madness"
3."Sleeping Stars" 
4."Battle Against Time" 
5."Death and the Healing" 
7."Beautiful Death" 
8."Sadness and Hate"  


Starting in 1995, Preacher was spawned from the creative partnership of writer Garth Ennis and artist Steve Dillon, after Ennis' run on Hellblazer. This comic changed the industry for a number of reasons, including its graphic content, sacrilegious themes, and its references to alt-pop culture (the Bill Hicks issue). I'm including the first arc of the comic called Gone to Texas. This series changed the way I look at comics. This is one of many amazing Vertigo titles, which I should be sharing more of soon.

"Preacher tells the story of Jesse Custer, a down-and-out preacher in the small Texas town of Annville. Custer was accidentally possessed by the supernatural creature named Genesis in an incident which killed his entire congregation and flattened his church.

Genesis, the product of the unauthorized, unnatural coupling of an angel and a demon, is an infant with no sense of individual will. However, as it is composed of both pure goodness and pure evil, it might have enough power to rival that of God himself. In other words, Jesse Custer, bonded to Genesis, may have become the most powerful being in the whole of living existence.

Custer, driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, goes on a journey across the United States attempting to (literally) find God, who abandoned Heaven the moment Genesis was born. He also begins to discover the truth about his new powers, which allow him to command the obedience of those who hear his words. He is joined by his old girlfriend Tulip O'Hare, as well as a hard-drinking Irish vampire named Cassidy.

During the course of their journeys, the three encounter enemies and obstacles both sacred and profane, including: the Saint of Killers, an invincible, quick-drawing, perfect-aiming, come-lately Angel of Death answering only to "He who sits on the throne"; a serial-killer called the 'Reaver-Cleaver'; The Grail, a secret organization controlling the governments of the world and protecting the bloodline of Jesus; Herr Starr, ostensible Allfather of the Grail, a megalomaniac with a penchant for prostitutes, who wishes to use Custer for his own ends; several fallen angels; and Jesse's own redneck 'family' — particularly his nasty Cajun grandmother, her mighty bodyguard Jody, and the 'animal-loving' T.C." 
- Wiki

Friday, May 14, 2010

James Hance

"James Hance is a relentlessly cheerful painter with a superb eye for celebrity portraits, a twisted view on TV and movie fuelled contemporary culture, and a passion for Star Wars. What more could you ask for? Don't go looking for deep meaning and conceptual theory in Hance's paintings, it just ain't there, and it doesn't need to be. James is probably one of those people you'd meet at a party who started off the life and soul but ends up taking it too far by dancing on the kitchen table or kicking a football through the window.

He's definitely a big kid at heart, you can tell, his infectious sense of humour parades triumphantly through an impressive collection of paintings depicting everything from The Muppets to Disney, silent movie heroes Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel, to dodgy films like Bowie's Labyrinth and Little Shop of Horrors. A wealth of celebrities including Michael Jackson, Johnny Cash, John Lennon and Shaun of the Dead's Simon Pegg. Plus of course a wide variety of Star Wars influenced art. This is Pop, there are no two ways about it, but it's fun through and through, with little political or social comment to go on, James Hance's art is more a warts and all celebration of our mixed up, messed up starry-eyed of our ever accelerating multi-media culture."

"James appears to have three styles of painting, extremely expressive such as in one of a few depictions of Heath Ledger in the role of Joker, highly painterly in pieces such as his Starwars influenced tribute to the classic Hitchcock thriller North by Northwest and photorealistic "digitally enhanced" paintings such as The Gentle Sith. There are plenty of in-jokes in Hance's portfolio, and it does, from time to time, veer close to socio-cultural comment such as his hauntingly disturbing piece entitled 'Music and Me'."

"Jim's Pop Art sensibility is as rich as any of the movement's progenitors, vast areas of bold and bright colours, clear and crisp subjects, bold composition, and a humorous sense of rebellion that holds his work apart from traditionalists and various rather more supine celebrity painters. However I'm intrigued by his darker and more expressive paintings, quietly and calmly brooding without any fixed context other than familiarity to get one's cerebral teeth into. The fact is that his work is both populist and highly decorative, yet underneath there lurks primal fears and instincts lavished in a glossy camouflage that makes them all the more enticing."

American Primitivism

American Primitivism, also known as American Primitive Guitar, is the music genre started by John Fahey in the late 1950s. Fahey composed and recorded avant-garde/neo-classical/eastern compositions using traditional country blues fingerpicking techniques, which had previously been used primarily to accompany vocals. This styling went on to influence many players in the experimental music community from varying generations. Included in this post are contemporaries and influences to Fahey, including Basho and Jansch, who are considered forebears of the Primitive movement. My objective in choosing these particular albums was to show the rebirth amongst emerging virtuosos of this style.

". . . The New Age people call it Folk; the Folk people call it New Age, but it is really neither. It's transitional. The style is derived from the country blues and string band music of the '20s and '30s, however much of the music is contemporary. Fahey referred to it as 'American Primitive' after the 'French Primitive' painters, meaning untutored."

"...Fahey suggested the idea of joining similar themes, and exploring both time and space. He also wanted me to try using dissonance and minor tunings. Maybe the biggest thing he put into me was the idea that a major part of music exists in the space between notes and chords."
- Peter Lang

John Fahey - The Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death (1965)

Robbie Basho - The Grail and the Lotus (1966)

Bert Jansch - Lucky Thirteen (1969)

John Fahey - The Yellow Princess (1969)

Peter Lang - The Thing at the Nursery Room Window (1973)


Sir Richard Bishop - Salvador Kali (1998)

Jack Rose - Kensington Blues (2005)

Sir Richard Bishop - Polytheistic Fragments (2007)

Alexander Tucker - Portal (2008)

James Blackshaw - The Glass Bead Game (2009)

Sir Richard Bishop - The Freak of Araby (2009)

Jack Rose (RIP) - Luck in the Valley (2010)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

French Thriller Trailers

Modern French horror and suspense is among the most edgy of any nation's cinematic efforts. The films thrive on unsettling the audience, whether on a psychological level, or a visceral, violent level. I'm really impressed by each of these films for varying reasons. The French have a small but integral heritage in horror and suspense (Polanski's The Tenant comes to mind). To an extent, influence from Cronenberg, Lynch, and Polanski can be seen in these selections.

À l'intérieur : Inside (2007)

Haute Tension : High Tension (2003)

Sheitan : Satan (2006)

Martyrs (2008)


Frontière(s) : Frontiers (2007)


Caché : Hidden (2005)


Georges Méliès

"Georges Méliès, famed for creating the first science fiction film with 1902's A Trip to the Moon, had, some six years earlier, directed what is believed to be the first horror movie, a three-minute short entitled The House of the Devil. A simple film with little plot, its imagery of bats, witches, ghosts, skeletons, cauldrons and Satan himself established an early template for supernatural cinema. Méliès followed that up with a dozen horror-themed shorts over the next decade (amidst the 500-plus films he shot), with titles such as The Devil's Laboratory, The Infernal Boiling Pot, The Cave of the Demons and Summoning the Spirits. Méliès' films were extravaganzas of magic tricks and special effects, creating the sort of visual awe and grotesque displays that would characterize later horror cinema."

Le Diable Noir (1905)

The Death of Frank Frazetta

February 9, 1928 – May 10, 2010

I've been drawing or painting most of my life. Just here or there, and I never finish much. Oftentimes, I question my ability, whether it be to lack of focus or technical. Lately even, I haven't really had the discipline it takes to work at any length or detail. To digress, it's one of the most important parts of my life, and there are very few artists that I consider pillars of inspiration. Even fewer, are those that I would consider an influential core to my artistic gestation and aspirations. There lies Frank Frazetta, proof that man can transport his art from other dimensions. I was devastated when I found he had passed a couple of days ago. After hearing the news, I went home and looked through Icon, his biographical art book that has been published several times over. I'm still enthralled with the concept of how Frank worked, at many points completing his masterworks in a matter of hours. Its that spontaneity and channeling of that intangible creative energy that makes me want to pick up the paintbrush and stop talking. I never met Frank Frazetta, but he'll always be present when I'm working on my art.

Obituary from the NY Times -

"Frank Frazetta, an illustrator of comic books, movie posters and paperback book covers whose visions of musclebound men fighting with swords and axes to defend scantily dressed women helped define fantasy heroes like Conan, Tarzan and John Carter of Mars, died on Monday in Fort Myers, Fla. He was 82.

The cause was complications from a stroke, said Rob Pistella and Stephen Ferzoco, Mr. Frazetta’s business managers.

Mr. Frazetta was a versatile and prolific comic book artist who, in the 1940s and ’50s, drew for comic strips like Al Capp’s “Lil’ Abner” and comic books like “Famous Funnies,” for which he contributed a series of covers depicting the futuristic adventurer Buck Rogers.

A satirical advertisement Mr. Frazetta drew for Mad earned him his first Hollywood job, the movie poster for “What’s New Pussycat?” (1965), a sex farce written by Woody Allen that starred Peter Sellers. In 1983 he collaborated with the director Ralph Bakshi to produce the animated film “Fire and Ice.”

His most prominent work, however, was on the cover of book jackets, where his signature images were of strikingly fierce, hard-bodied heroes and bosomy, callipygian damsels in distress. In 1966, his cover of “Conan the Adventurer,” a collection of four fantasy short stories written by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp, depicted a brawny long-haired warrior standing in repose on top of a pile of skeletons and other detritus, his sword thrust downward into the mound, an apparently naked young woman lying at his feet, hugging his ankle.

The cover created a new look for fantasy adventure novels and established Mr. Frazetta as an artist who could sell books. He illustrated many more Conan books (including “Conan the Conqueror,” “Conan the Usurper” and “Conan the Avenger”) and works by Edgar Rice Burroughs (including “John Carter and the Savage Apes of Mars” and “Tarzan and the Antmen”).

“Paperback publishers have been known to buy one of his paintings for use as a cover, then commission a writer to turn out a novel to go with it,” The New York Times reported in 1977, the same year that a collection of his drawings, “The Fantastic Art of Frank Frazetta,” sold more than 300,000 copies.

Frank Frazzetta was born in Brooklyn on Feb. 9, 1928, and as a boy studied painting at a local art school. (Early in his career, he excised one z from his last name because “with one z it just looked better,” Mr. Pistella said. “He said the two z’s and two t’s was too clumsy.”)

Mr. Frazetta began drawing for comic books of all stripes — westerns, mysteries, fantasies — when he was still a teenager. He was also a good enough baseball player to try out for the New York Giants.

The popularity of Mr. Frazetta’s work coincided with the rise of heavy metal in the early 1970s, and his otherworldly imagery showed up on a number of album covers, including Molly Hatchet’s “Flirtin’ With Disaster” and Nazareth’s “Expect No Mercy.” Last year, Kirk Hammett, the lead guitarist for Metallica, bought Mr. Frazetta’s cover artwork for the paperback reissue of Robert E. Howard’s “Conan the Conqueror” for $1 million.

Mr. Frazetta married Eleanor Kelly, known as Ellie, in 1956. She served as his occasional model and as his business partner; in 2000 she started a small museum of her husband’s work on their property in East Stroudsburg, Pa. She died last year.

Mr. Frazetta is survived by three sisters, Carol, Adel and Jeanie; two sons, Alfonso Frank Frazetta, known as Frank Jr., and William Frazetta, both of East Stroudsburg; two daughters, Heidi Grabin, of Englewood, Fla., and Holly Frazetta, of Boca Grande, Fla.; and 11 grandchildren.

After Ellie Frazetta’s death, her children became embroiled in a custodial dispute over their father’s work, and in December, Frank Jr. was arrested on charges of breaking into the family museum and attempting to remove 90 paintings that had been insured for $20 million. In April, the family said the dispute over the paintings had been resolved, and the Monroe County, Pa., district attorney said he would drop the charges."

I thought it would be cool to include a CBR file with many of his works. You'll need the comic reader linked on the right of this blog to view these.

Untitled Horror Movie Score

the other night i was up late and out of nowhere i got this great idea: i'm going to write a score for a horror film! next thing i knew i had already just about completed the first movement so i thought i'd share it with everyone. feedback would be awesome (negative and/or positive).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cult Horror Trailers

Galaxy of Terror (1981)

The Burning (1981)

Anthropophagus (1980)

Shrunken Heads (1994)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mixed Film Trailers

Wizards (1977)

The Human Centipede (2010)

Fire & Ice (1983)

The next three are trailers for shorts directed by Rodrigo Gudino, the creator of Rue Morgue Magazine. He's currently working on a remake of Cutthroats 9 and expanding on the animated short featured here. All three of these shorts are available on the dvd Curious Stories, Crooked Symbols.